Saturday, June 27, 2009


Make your life more interesting

In many ways, making your life more interesting, is crucial to to lives of single people, especially if they wish to enjoy life and/or find a partner.

Make your life more interesting.

If your life is more interesting, people are more likely to find you more interesting. If your life is more interesting, then you are more likely to enjoy life. If you enjoy life, then people are more likely to enjoy being with you.

If you make the decision to make your life more interesting, then you will almost inevitably find that you will be looking to do more things, to attend more events, and to subject yourself to more experiences. The more things you do, the more experiences you have, then the more things you have to talk about.

The more things and experiences you have to talk about, the more you are likely to find people who share a mutual interest or experience. You may be the type of person who finds conversation difficult; we all do at times and to different degrees. However, if you have a wide range of interests and experiences, then the greater the likelihood of you being able to join in a conversation or respond to someone with lines like; 'I've done that', 'I've been there as well', 'Me too', 'You too ?'

Also, of course, if you hear someone or a group talking about talking about an interest you share, then you will be able to listen to them and join in with interest and knowledge.

Ironically, it doesn't really matter if some all your new experiences aren't all good. It still gives you something to talk about, even if you say that you didn't enjoy it. It may just happen that someone else listening to you also didn't enjoy it. Do, though, try not to be too negative.

No one is saying that simply making your life more interesting is going to solve all your problems as a single person. Quite frankly, it isn't. It can, however, be the first step toward making your life more enjoyable, and more fulfilling for yourself.

It has also to be accepted that 'interesting' means different things to different people. Try to define 'interesting' for yourself; what do you find interesting ? Is there anything you've always wanted to try but haven't ? Then go out and try new things. If you like them, do them again. If you don't like them, no loss, at least you have tried them.,


by TemplatesForYou-TFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru